Acquisition, Implementation & Training with Followup/Troubleshooting:

Essentially, the implementation process is well underway before this step is reached. As assessment and trial
periods have been taking place, the team has been establishing new strategies and techniques for increasing
the student’s participation in the educational program. Specific plans must be outlined to facilitate ongoing
implementation, including acquisition of personal devices and inclusion of the goals.
The team must determine the plan and actions that are necessary to obtain the AT devices that have been
recommended. A written action plan may also be needed to detail the responsibilities of each person. Without
group memory in the form of a written plan, important details are easily forgotten or overlooked.
1. Identify source of equipment and costs
a. Locate vendor or manufacturer
b. Obtain a price quote in writing
2. Identify possible funding sources
a. Refer to the funding section to determine appropriate sources
b. Determine person(s) who will seek funding sources
3. Order equipment
4. Plan for training as needed
5. Set up equipment
6. Establish technical support system

Assistive Technology Training – Making Your Technology work for you

Without proper training, technology itself can be a barrier

Once the appropriate assistive technology (AT) solution has been identified, it’s important to understand what the AT does and how to make this new technology work for you. Some technologies are simple and intuitive, but many incorporate numerous powerful features.  Learning to use these features can often be overwhelming, intimidating, and frustrating.  At that point, the technology itself can become a barrier.

We provide assistive technology trainings geared to meet your learning style. From training, application strategies, and technical support, our AT Specialists strive to make certain that your assistive technology gives you the results you want.

Whether you are new to the world of assistive technology or an AT veteran looking to advance your skills, our Assistive Technology Trainings are designed to “make your technology work for you”.

Our Specialists are here to assist with your

  • Cognitive and Learning,
  • Communication,
  • Daily Living,
  • Environmental,
  • Ergonomic,
  • Personal hearing, or
  • Vision related assistive technology training needs.

Individualized training services teach skills and confidence

Follow Up and Ongoing Assessment
The first weeks after the AT equipment has been obtained is generally the time when the majority of questions
arise. This is the time to work out the “bugs” and make changes that will increase the confidence level of the
team, the student, and the family. Training of staff and families may also occur at this time. As questions arise,
they should be documented so they can be addressed at the next team meeting.
A follow up meeting should be scheduled after initial implementation. At this time, the entire team should be
prepared to discuss and document data-collection results. Specifically, team members should use the data to
address the following:
• successful solutions and activities that have occurred
• solutions that did not work, with a discussion of “why”
• possible problems and necessary changes
AT assessment is an ongoing process. When changes in the student’s abilities and/or educational needs are
noted, data should be collected and steps should be taken to determine what additional information is needed
or which changes to the implementation of AT should be considered. Maintaining the equipment in operational
order is important. The team should establish a plan designating the procedures to be followed if technical
issues occur. Local troubleshooting is desirable if possible. A specialized service provider or technology
coordinator from the school district may be able to locate and correct problems.